
How to Ace an Online Interview

The interview process is full of surprises and unpredictable events. Still, you can present yourself professionally if you follow some basic rules. Also, with the capabilities of technology today, and COVID 19 in full force, most companies are conducting job interviews online via an online chat video/audio platform. Here are

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How to create a corporate culture that embraces mental wellness

Even before COVID 19, the relentless pace of business, growth of technology, and ‘always-on’ working culture were affecting employee mental health. The coronavirus epidemic has magnified this. Increasingly, employees now face having to work remotely, heightened concerns around economic and political uncertainties and instability of jobs, resulting in enormous pressure,

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The Impact of Workplace Mental Health on Business

COVID-19 has been hailed as the “big equalizer”. However, the reality is that we aren’t all equally resilient, especially when it comes to mental health. Increasingly more employees are susceptible to mental illnesses due to the high stress, competitive nature and long hours of current work life. According to the

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The Impact of Mental Health on Millennials in the Workplace

“Mental health is at the core of our humanity” according to António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations. Being mentally healthy enables us to lead productive and fulfilling lives. However, with one in four of us predicted to suffer a mental health episode during our lifetime, even without the negative impact caused by

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Your Focus: It’s Powerful, and Critical for Success

Put a piece of paper out in the sun and nothing happens to it. Position a small magnifying glass above it, and it burns in a couple of seconds. Same energy, different focus…! Where your focus goes, your energy flows… As far as we know, there is no genetic component

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Winning secrets: Driving transformation for sustainability and relevance at Lim-Loges & Masters

Celebrating the finest gems in talent acquisition across Singapore’s recruitment function, Human Resources Online’s first-ever virtual edition of the Asia Recruitment Awards 2020 took place on 24 July. The awards ceremony, in its sixth year, honoured winners across 26 highly-contended categories, including Best Specialist Recruitment Agency, which saw Lim-Loges Masters’ (LLM) taking home the

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The Pitfalls of HR in M&A

During M&A, many companies spend too much time focusing on the legal and financial issues, forgetting the impact that HR has on its employees during the process. It’s counter-productive to create a dynamic new company, only to lose your best talent due to low morale and decreased productivity. One of

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Coaching is not a cost – it’s an investment!

In the current economic climate, many companies and entrepreneurs are struggling to manage their businesses and careers. And although they may have (limited) funds to invest, these uncertain times are putting constraints on budgets and resources. This impacts their willingness to invest in what they deem as ‘unnecessary’, such as

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